Wednesday, January 1, 2014

You need a vitamin run. Do you have one?

So lets' get this running blog going!

Today I started the year with a 4 mile slow jog around a lollipop route in my neighborhood that we used to call "Nolts Ponds", because it snakes through a farm with ponds.

However, my son Jody ran this route once, and he announced it "Just enough; like taking your vitamins."  So from that time on, this course has been renamed "The Vitamin Run", or more simply "Vitamins".  As in "I ran vitamins".

You need to find your vitamin route, and then your minimum running program should be to run it every other day.  Of course you'll do more running than this, but when life gets hectic, you can get by on the bare minimum.  Your vitamin run.  Go find it.

FYI - I don't take actual vitamins.  I prefer real food, or at least food that the food industry attempts to present as real food.

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